Did I Get Stuff Done?

Reflecting over the past few weeks (exactly 22 days, from the 21 day course) and the art of getting stuff done... and while I had my struggles, I did walk away with a better understanding on the fact that if you want to be productive - you have to work for it. It's not a simple app to fix everything or a course, it's being intentional and you're only going to be productive if you want it. Otherwise you defeat the purpose of wanting to be productive and efficient.

I wasn't expecting the course to be how to make one of the best organized to do lists, I thought it would have been based on more a lifestyle thing but regardless of intent it did have an impact on me. My one issue was that the semester for Spring 2014 was by far one of the craziest. If this course were to have happened at any other point in my academic career it would have done some amazing things but unfortunately the timing was off. My semester will filled with last minute urgencies: defederation campaign from the Canadian Federation of Students, work on both Senate & Board of Governors, plus student elections, final projects, managing work projects, chairing meetings... it wasn't the type of schedule I could have organized even if I wanted to. But, what it has done was give me the keys that I needed to have a fresh start to my summer. While the semester pushed other priorities out the way, it did leave a significant amount that is ready to be tackled. I currently have a cleaned out inbox, a list of 53 task items, and with that I now know how I can get the most out of summer as I work on shifting my goals, wants, needs, and aspirations.

If anyone else is interested on getting into the 'Getting Stuff Done' I definitely recommend the course hosted on SkillShare - you can see this link and other resources on the left in the 'Resources' link.


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